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Mattress Stain Cleaning: Why, What, How

You might not realise it, but the cleanliness of your mattress matters more than you think! Especially in Singapore, where the humid weather can exacerbate hygiene issues, implementing a thorough mattress cleaning routine is crucial to remove dust, dirt, and stains. From targeted stain removal techniques to hiring professional cleaning services, we’ll guide you through a detailed step-by-step process on how you can get rid of bed mattress stains and ensure a healthy sleep environment for your family.

The importance of regular mattress stain cleaning

Spills, sweat, body oils, and various accidents are all common causes of mattress stains. If your mattress is not cleaned regularly, these stains can build up over time and become embedded in the mattress fibres. Aside from looking unsightly, they’re also unhygienic, as they can become breeding grounds for bacteria.

Plus, stains may weaken your mattress’ fabric and materials and cause premature deterioration. This is why timely stain removal is so important to prolong its lifespan.  

Learn more: Mattress Cleaning Secrets That No One Else Knows About

Types of Stains

Did you know that different types of stains require a specific approach for effective removal? From enzymatic stains caused by urine to oxidisable stains caused by spilt beverages, here are the four types of stains you might find in your mattress.

1. Enzymatic stains: These stains result from organic matter, such as urine, blood, or food residues, often leading to discolouration and odours in your mattress. 

2. Oxidisable stains: Oxidisable stains include those caused by substances that contain pigments or dyes, such as coffee, tea, or wine spills.

3. Greasy stains: Greasy stains result from oily substances like body oils, lotions, or grease from food. These stains can attract dust and dirt, giving your mattress an unclean appearance. 

4. Particulate stains: Particulate stains consist of solid particles, such as dust, dirt, or pet dander, that accumulate on the surface of your mattress over time. While not always visible, these stains can contribute to allergies and respiratory issues if left untreated.

Expert mattress stain-cleaning tips

Not sure about how to begin a new mattress cleaning routine? Here are 4 practical tips on how you can keep your mattress free of dirt and stains.

1. Remove and wash your bedding

Putting White Bed Linen Linen To The Washing Machine

To start things off, you’ll first need to remove and wash all your bedding, including sheets, pillowcases, and mattress toppers

Wash your bedding in hot water with temperatures ranging between 50 and 60°C. This elevated temperature is sufficient to kill dust mites and remove any accumulated debris. Using a mild detergent during the wash cycle will also remove any greasy stains in your bedding. However, you should avoid fabric softeners, as they can leave residues that attract dirt and allergens.

All that said, it is crucial to refer to the care label for the recommended washing temperature of your bedding. Different materials may have specific requirements; for instance, while cotton bedding can withstand hot water, silk and satin sheets are best washed on a cold, gentle cycle.

2. Use cleaning substances

White Pillow wIth Yellow Saliva Stains

Once your bedding is clean, it’s time to move on to the mattress itself. Luckily, harsh chemicals or expensive products won’t be needed; simple household substances like baking soda, white vinegar, or hydrogen peroxide are enough to add to an effective mattress cleaning routine. 

Baking soda is excellent for absorbing and neutralising odour, while white vinegar acts as a natural disinfectant, helping to kill bacteria and germs that may be lurking within your mattress. 

As for how to remove urine and blood stains from your bed, a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and dish soap will give you the best results. These substances are both affordable and safer for your health and the environment compared to harsh commercial cleaners.

3. Vacuum, deodorise, and disinfect

Cleaning Company Cleans The Mattress

First, start by using the upholstery attachment or a handheld vacuum to go over the entire surface of the mattress. Remember to pay close attention to places where dust mites and debris often accumulate, such as seams, crevices, and corners. A thorough vacuuming will help to remove dust, dirt, and other contaminants from your mattress.

Next, sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda over the entire mattress surface. Let it sit for at least 15 minutes to absorb any unpleasant mattress odours. 

Once the baking soda has worked its magic, it’s time to disinfect the mattress. Mist the surface of your mattress with a mixture of water and white vinegar in a spray bottle. Let the mattress air dry completely, replace your freshly washed bedding, and voilà — you’ve just completed your mattress cleaning routine!

4. Call in the professionals

Although regular cleaning is essential, sometimes it’s best to leave the job to a professional mattress cleaning service, especially for tough blood and urine stains. These cleaning services have specialised equipment and expertise to give your mattress and mattress topper a deep clean. 

At Cleanbeds, our robust Rainbow Cleaning System will keep your mattress dust- and grime-free. Not only that, we are also certified asthma and allergy-friendly, making us the preferred cleaning service for both adult and baby mattresses. 

Contact us today, and enjoy a restful night’s sleep knowing your mattress is clean, comfortable, and safe for you and your family!

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